Frequently Asked Questions

If a criminal case is opened against you, you will be tried as a defendant. The public prosecutor will prepare an indictment that includes the crime and the evidence of this crime. You can submit evidence contrary to the evidence in the indictment and witnesses, if any. You can request the court to bring documents from public institutions. It is important that you attend the hearings.

If you are summoned by a public prosecutor or a court as a defendant or suspect and you do not comply with the summons and do not show justified reasons, the public prosecutor or the court may issue a summons or arrest warrant against you.

If you have been sentenced to imprisonment for 2 years or less or to a judicial fine at the end of the criminal proceedings, the announcement of the verdict against you is deferred for 5 years if the necessary conditions for this have been met and you agree (you do not have to agree). In order for this decision to be made, you must not have been convicted of an intentional crime before. The court must also be convinced that you will not re-offend. If there is a damage, you must have repaired the damage suffered by the victim or the public. If you deliberately commit a new offense within the 5-year supervision period or if you do not comply with the probation measure, the court will announce the sentence. If you spend this period without committing a new offense or complying with the probation measure, you will be considered as if you have never committed a crime and the case and sentence will be dismissed.

It has no effect on your criminal record and will not appear on your criminal record. This information is stored in a system that is only visible to judges and public prosecutors.

In order to seek your rights before the court against a person or an organization, you need to file a lawsuit with a petition to the court. Your lawsuit is deemed to have been filed when you submit your lawsuit petition to the "authorized and competent" court after collecting the lawsuit fee and expense advance. Since filing your lawsuit in the wrong court (unauthorized and/or incompetent court) will cause loss of time, loss of money and loss of rights, it is very important to get professional support from a lawyer.

The petition for divorce is deemed to have been filed with the submission of the petition to the authorized court. After writing the information that must be included in the petition, you should proceed to the explanation part of the petition. What is important here is that your explanations should be concise and effective. Unnecessarily long, unnecessary details, subjects and details that are not related to the lawsuit, narration of unrelated persons and events, explanation by skipping legal points or explanation that is shorter than necessary will harm your case. In line with the relevant explanations, legal grounds and points must be stated and evidenced.

Children, relatives of the child, anyone who knows, hears, witnesses or has information about the situation can apply. The places to apply are as follows;

  • School counseling services, teachers, school administrators
  • Public prosecutors
  • Police Stations and Police Departments
    Civil Authorities (Governorship, District Governorship, etc.)
  • Provincial Directorates of Family and Social Policies
  • Istanbul Bar Association Child Rights Center

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